Wrangling and Analyzing WeRateDogs Twitter Account Data

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Wrangling and Analyzing WeRateDogs Twitter Account Data ‏‏لقطة الشاشة (109).png ‏‏لقطة الشاشة (110).png ‏‏لقطة الشاشة (111).png ‏‏لقطة الشاشة (112).png

Wrangling (and analyzing and visualizing) a dataset which is the tweet archive of Twitter user @dog_rates, also known as WeRateDogs. WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that rates people's dogs with a humorous comment about the dog. Introduction We rate dog is a Twitter account with funny and interesting tweets of rating dogs we rate dogs

The project main objectives were:

Perform data wrangling (gathering, assessing, and cleaning) on the provided sources of data.
Store, analyze, and visualize the wrangled data.
Reporting on:
data wrangling efforts.
data analyses and visualizations. In addition, as per project specification, only original tweets/ratings that have images should be used in the analysis (no retweets nor replies). This project was completed as part of Udacity's Data Analysis Professional Nanodegree.
twitter-archive-enhanced.csv provided from Udacity.
image-predictions.tsv Downloaded from this link
tweet_json.txt Gathered from twitter API.
twitter_archive_master.db database hold the cleaned combined dataset.
Wrangle report: documentation for data wrangling steps: gather, assess, and clean.
Act report: documentation of analysis and insights into final data.
Used Tools
Jupyter notebook
Python and it's libraries (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, requests, seaborn, tweepy, re, os, json)

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل محمد غزال
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 0
تاريخ الاضافة 08-03-2025
تاريخ الانجاز 09-02-2021

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